Fractional CMO and Strategic GTM Services

Fractional CMO

Fractional CMO

Most startup companies need a leader who can help set the direction, create the right channels and enable early thought leadership and revenue growth with referenceable companies.  But don’t need the full-time cost; this is where our senior partners can help get your GTM off the ground with optimal cost management. 

Market Positioning

Finding a winning market positioning and competitive lane is complex and often needs to be more obvious. Internal perspectives often are clouded by a focus on technology. We can bring a market-driven perspective to find stories that resonate with customers and partners to drive adoption and revenue.
GTM Strategy

GTM Strategy

GTM strategy can often mean many things to many people. At Ragnar, it means growth. We help companies scale and become market leaders with a GTM strategy customized to your market, solution, and channels. We will design, execute, and report on the ROI and GTM success.

AI Marketing Strategy and Implementation

Generative AI Strategy

Generative AI will be a powerful force in marketing going forward.  We can help you build the right strategy and right tools to keep you ahead of the competition and drive marketing ROI.

AI Policy

Generative AI requires new policies related to uses case, IP protection, attribution, etc.  Just as we had to develop when social media enter the marketing world.  We can help you develop some common sense policies.

AI Implementation

Ragnar will help you source the right tools and implment generative AI quickly and effectivl;ey to scale your marketing programs and drive leads, SEO, and content.

Content is Still King

Audience Alignment

We can help you update, refine, and target your messaging and positioning to create content for the C-Suite, technology leaders, and technical teams that create engagement and drive the pipeline.

Creative and Content

Our creative team collaboratively produces actionable resources with authentic messaging to draw attention for websites, videos, digital, social media, campaigns, data sheets, white papers, ad copy, channel, and high-value tools required to enable your demand gen, distribution, and thought leadership programs.

Channel/Partner Content

Partners are often the driving force behind GTM strategies and sourcing new deals from their customer base. However, their value proposition can be significantly different from your end customer.  We know how to speak partners’ language and can help you get ahead of competitors.

ABM Personas, Targeting & Campaigns

Persona Definition

This is a critical step in the success of any ABM program. Our ActiveSignal ABM model will help you build a deep understanding of your personas with primary research to drive the research of the most accurate targets for end customers and partners.
ICP Targets

Target Lists Creation

Personas get most of the attention, but building out the target list is the next vital step in building an ABM program. Our team will source a list of ICP targets or work with your tools to optimize your sourcing efforts.

ABM Campaign Delivery

When it comes to ABM, where you deliver the message to maximize reception is critical to conversion rates. Ragnar marketing includes delivery strategies to drive your pipeline. 

Sales and Channel Enablement

Vertical Markets

Every vertical market speaks its own language and vernacular. Your sales team needs to know what to say and how to say it to each audience. We will enable them speak the language of your customers business.
ICP Targets

Persona Positioning

Once you speak the language of their business, next your sales teams need to speak to the persona. From the CxO, to technical leaders, to operational owners, to regulatory/auditors we can give your the right story.

Channel Enablement

Winning the hearts and minds of the channel is a complex process. You have to spin your story to show how they improve their stature with their customers, improve margins, and driver services from your product. We can help you make them your champions.

Hard Core Competitive Analysis

Competitive Research

We will reach out to your and your competitors’ customers to get the real story of why they picked you versus others, why you lost, and what you can do about it.

Partner Perspectives

Next to your systems engineers, no one knows your product/service better than your channel partners. But they don’t always share everything you need to know to beat your competitors. We can help you get the full story and build a plan to win more deals.

Battle Ready Enablement

The sales team uses battle cards as an obligatory handout and conversation starters. It would be best to go beyond that to get them ready to face partners and customers to justify why they should pick your product. We help your teams build the tools and techniques required to make salespeople battle ready.